A Colby bus driver and student share a heartwarming friendship.
Roman is in the 2nd grade and his family is from Ukraine and new to the Colby District. Roman always greets his bus driver, Jon, with a fist bump, says good morning, and every afternoon another fist bump, thanks the driver and inquires how his day was. But there was one more question, Roman admires his bus driver’s sunglasses and asks where he got them and was disappointed when he was told they are prescription glasses.
The bus driver went shopping and purchased sunglasses with green mirrored lenses and neon green trim on the bows which also had a draw-string bag, a lanyard so they don’t get lost, a tiny screwdriver, and a secret card where you can only see the picture with the sunglasses on. When Roman received his sunglasses he was a very happy young man.
He was thrilled to show his family his new (and very cool) shades. Bus driver Jon states, “This child is an example of great humanity, kindness, and friendship. Undoubtedly a direct reflection of his parents. His outlook is pure and without judgment.
If a simple pair of sunglasses with chrome green lenses and neon green trim make him and his parents so happy, just think how happy he made me with his excitement. As you well know, a single child can make your day, week, month, and year.”